Presenting To Large Groups: How To Work Out The Jitters

The time has come when you have been asked to give a presentation in front of a large group.  Although you are very competent with the material, the thought of speaking in front of such a large crowd might bring on nervousness and anxiety. The truth is many people struggle with the fear of public speaking but with the right mindset, practice, and instruction you can become a highly effective presenter. The following techniques can be extremely helpful in overcoming those presentation jitters.

Think Happy Thoughts

There really is a science behind positive thinking and its correlation with anxiety.  You can do this by visualizing something that makes you happy or even keeping a picture of something or someone you love in your pocket or on the podium.  Even the best speakers can use this technique to help them relax.

Get Familiar With The Venue

It is always a good idea to visit the venue where you will be presenting beforehand.  Familiarize yourself with the stage, podium, seating arrangement, etc. The more familiar you are with the surroundings the less likely you will be to get distracted by something in the room. In addition, knowing what to expect will help to alleviate nervousness.

Plan, Prepare, and Practice

Take time to prepare every part of your presentation.  Know exactly what you are going to say and set clearly defined goals that you want to accomplish.  Once you feel comfortable with the material you should rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.  Practicing in front of people will better prepare you for your audience.

Pace Yourself By Pausing

One of the best ways to keep from stumbling over your words is to literally pace yourself by adding pauses between key comments.  Pausing helps your brain to form clear thoughts and will help prevent stuttering.  This can also help you refrain from talking too fast and rushing through the presentation.

Take A Deep Breath

Before stepping out in front of the audience, take a few long, deep breaths.  This will help to slow your heart rate and get control of your breathing.  If you feel your adrenaline start to kick in during the presentation, pause for a moment and breathe.

These techniques will help you to overcome your pre-presentation jitters and deliver a calm, relaxed, and terrific presentation. The more you speak in front of others, the easier it will become.   It just takes a little work and perseverance to get over the initial hump.  By utilizing these techniques, you will notice that you have the ability to speak clearly and confidently in front of others.