Tips for Smiling When You are a Nervous Presenter

If you get nervous when asked to present in front of a group, know that you aren’t alone. Many people have an incredible fear of public speaking. You might know the feeling when your face gets red, your heart beats faster, and your hands begin to tremble. When these nerves take over, the last thing on your mind is smiling. The truth is, however, that smiling can actually help you reduce stress and allow you to feel calmer during your presentation. It also expresses warmth to your audience, allowing you to build a connection with them. When giving a presentation, your smile is one of your most important tools. Here are a few tips for smiling during a presentation, despite your nervousness. 


Exude Passion About Your Topic

You are giving a presentation for a reason. Obviously, the topic is important to you. When you begin to speak about your topic, be sure to flash a smile. This shows the audience that you are passionate about what you are doing. After all, if you aren’t excited about your presentation, why should the audience be excited?


Practice Speaking Conversationally

If you stand in front of a crowd presenting facts, it may be difficult to decide how and when to incorporate your smile. Instead, practice giving your presentation as though it were a conversation.  Talk with family, friends, and colleagues and practice presenting your information conversationally. You naturally smile when you are having a conversation with someone so this is a great way to incorporate natural smiles into your presentation. 


Avoid Smiling at the Wrong Time

There are times when smiling would be a natural response and times when it would feel forced or strange. For example, it wouldn’t make sense to smile as you discuss the quarter earnings that are down. Avoid nervous smiling by not smiling when the time isn’t right. 


Practice with a Mirror

Rehearse your presentation several times in front of a mirror and practice incorporating natural smiles. This is a great way for you to see what the audience will see. 


Start off with a Smile

As you step on stage, go ahead and begin your presentation with a smile. This warm gesture is a great way to brush off your nerves and set the tone for a more natural conversation style presentation.