Creative Ways to Enhance Your Presentations

Keeping your audience engaged for the duration of your presentation is one of the most challenging aspects of public speaking. You, yourself, have probably found yourself dozing off, scrolling through your phone, or checking emails during a boring presentation. As a presenter, you need to find creative ways to enhance your presentation so you can effectively get your message across. Engaging your audience is the best way to keep them focused, interested, and attentive to what you are saying. Here are a few ways you can make your presentation more creative so audience’s actually want to listen. 

Design a Creative Slideshow

The minute you hear the word “Powerpoint†you may immediately think “snooze.†However, slideshows don’t have to be dull and boring. In fact, there are so many great tools available to help you create a stunning slideshow presentation. Start with an appealing layout that contains a color-scheme or background to accent your presentation. Keep this theme uniform through the presentation. Next, abandon those traditional text heavy slides and replace them with dynamic slides that feature thought bubbles, charts, tables, and graphics that help you emphasize your key points. 

Incorporate Videos

Video is one of the most creative ways to present your information. It allows you to present your material visually as opposed to using lines of text. Just be sure that your videos complement your overall theme and message. 

Tell a Story

Instead of simply presenting your audience with a list of facts, try demonstrating your message by telling a story. It could be a personal story, a true story about someone else, or even a fictional story that you create to illustrate your point. For example, you might tell a story about someone experiencing a specific issue and how your product or service changed their experience. Stories are a great way to captivate audience interest. 

Perform a Demonstration

This works especially well when you are trying to sell a product or persuade your audience to try a new business tool. A hands-on demonstration gives your audience a more interactive and immersive experience. This is far more compelling than simply telling them about your product using slides or text. 

Infuse Humor

Humor is a great way to connect with your audience and make your presentation more memorable. Be sure to consider your audience before adding humor to your presentation. However, in the right context and with the right audience, humor can be a fantastic way to relate to people and convey your message in a lighthearted way.