Developing a Strong Stage Presence

Having a strong stage presence is the key to delivering a great presentation. If you think about the most memorable presentations you have heard, you probably notice that the speakers command the stage with charisma, energy, and confidence. A huge part of your success as a presenter depends on your ability to capture and command the attention of your audience. You can convey confidence through your words, appearance, body language, eye contact, and engagement with the audience. Stage presence is all about having confidence in front of an audience and interacting with them in a positive way. Consider the following tips to help improve your overall stage presence.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Many people share the fear of public speaking, but practicing allows you to minimize the panic and reduce stress during your presentation. When you are preparing for a presentation, nothing can replace the power of practice. Practicing enables you to become familiar with your talking points, project your voice, fine tune your body language, and gain confidence as a speaker. Try to mirror the real-life atmosphere as much as possible by practicing in front of a mock audience and even practicing in the real life location if possible.

2.  Be Mindful of Your Body Language

Your nonverbal communication and body language says as much about you as a speaker as the words that come out of your mouth. Awareness of body language is important because you want to make a positive impression. Stand tall with shoulders back, make eye contact, avoid fidgeting, and speak loud and clear. You can present confidently when you express positive body language. 

3. Dress the Part

First impressions matter and what people see is what they will remember. Dress professionally and look the part. Avoid wearing anything that is too casual or too revealing. You want to look polished and well-put together. 

4. Move Around the Stage

Great speakers utilize the whole space and make an effort to walk around the stage so they engage with every portion of the audience. Not only does this display a confident speaker who commands the stage, but it also helps you connect with every audience member through meaningful eye contact. Moving around also elevates your energy level and enhances your body movements in a way that exudes confidence. 

5. Interact with the Audience

Engage your audience and make them part of your presentation. Invite them to ask questions. Ask them thought provoking questions. Make them laugh. Interacting with your audience will improve your stage presence and make your presentation memorable.


If you are interested in learning more, contact us today at 1-800-501-1245 to request information about training courses from the Management Training Institute as well as other corporate training programs offered through our parent company Bold New Directions.