All posts by HigherVisibility

The Power of Visual Aids in Presentations

The Power of Visual Aids in Presentations Studies have shown that nearly 65% of humans are visual learners. This should come as no surprise, given that the brain processes visual information nearly 60,000 times faster than text. It also supports the idea that visual aids are a compelling tool for any presentation. Visual aids such…

The Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint

The Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint PowerPoint is a great tool for creating visual aids for a presentation. The slides can help presenters share key information while enhancing clarity and understanding. It can be an effective tool for presenters by providing visual support to the spoken content. However, like any presentation software tool, there are…

Improving Your Presentation Skills Through Feedback

Improving Your Presentation Skills Through Feedback Collecting presentation feedback is not usually top on every speaker’s priority list. After all, many people dislike public speaking and will be thrilled to simply get their presentation out of the way. That said, having some sort of response-gathering system in place can be an incredibly useful tool. Feedback…

How to Handle Technical Issues During a Presentation

How to Handle Technical Issues During a Presentation Presentation tools and software can be great tools for enhancing your presentation, but what happens when you encounter technical difficulties? No matter how long you spend preparing for your presentation, there’s no guarantee that your technology will run smoothly. From issues with the screen to clickers that…

The Use of Graphics and Images in Presentations

Visual tools and techniques are a great way to create interest and enhance the effectiveness of a presentation. When used strategically, graphics and images can help engage the audience, clarify concepts, emphasize key points, and create a more memorable presentation. Here we will discuss some of the ways graphics and images can be used effectively…

How to End Your Presentation on a High Note

Once you have delivered your content and reiterated your key points, it’s time to drive home your message with the third and final part of your presentation- your closing. Ending a presentation on a high note is crucial to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. This is your final opportunity to reinforce your message…

How to Use Quotations in Your Presentation

Quotations can be a powerful way to add credibility, authority, and impact to your presentation. Many people choose quotes attributed to famous people, because they strike a chord with the audience and add meaning to thoughts and ideas. A thoughtfully selected quote can carry weight with the audience by inspiring them and making your presentation…

The Importance of Breathing in Presentations

When you begin preparing for a presentation, the last thing you probably consider is breathing. Breathing is one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of public speaking. Breathing is not only important for life, but also for effective communication. How you breathe can impact your physical, mental, and emotional state, as well as…

How to Use Statistics and Data in Your Presentations

Statistics and data are powerful tools that can help enhance your presentation, build credibility, prove theories, and ultimately drive results. By incorporating statistics and data, you can provide evidence to support your arguments, prove your points, and persuade the audience to take action. That said, many presenters make the mistake of submerging their audience in…