There are plenty of situations where you may be asked to present in front of a group and strong public speaking skills can help you advance your career and create better opportunities. Whether you are asked to present at a conference, you have to give a speech after receiving an award, or you have to…
All posts by suzanne
5 Tips to Make Your Next Presentation Pitch Perfect
Is your voice making your presentation boring? Are you losing your audience because of the way you talk? There is nothing worse than sitting through a presentation with a monotone speaker. It would be like listening to a song for 30 minutes with only one note. Or perhaps you can’t concentrate because the speaker is…
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Glossophobia, or fear of public speaking, is the single most common phobia. Nearly 75% of people admit to experiencing this, so you aren’t alone in your fear. It can range from slight nervousness to a nearly paralyzing fear and panic. For many people, this fear is so great that they avoid public speaking situations altogether.…
How to Use Silence in Your Presentation to Look Confident
There are times when silence is more powerful than words. Public speakers often place a great deal of emphasis on the actual words they are speaking. While this is certainly important, silence can and should also be used to raise interest and create a more powerful impact. Most speakers fear silence because they consider it…
How to Do Audience Centered Speaking
The most important thing a speaker can do to ensure their message is communicated effectively is to consider the audience when preparing the presentation. Getting to know and understand the audience allows you to create a presentation that is meaningful. Audience centered speaking involves making a strong connection with your audience by providing them with…
7 Essential Tips That Will Turn You Into a Confident Speaker
Public speaking is an important skill that can help you build your network, foster relationships, get new business, and increase your chances of getting promoted. The ability to speak well in public is a highly sought after skill, and one that can have a huge impact on your professional success. That said, nearly 75% of…
5 Ways to Determine Which Video Conferencing Platforms are Best for Your Business Pursuits
The restrictions of COVID-19 have forced millions of workers to stay at home, thus prompting businesses across the country to rely on video conferencing to bring people together. Whether they are hosting a team meeting or meeting with a prospective client, video conferencing platforms have allowed businesses to have face-to-face meetings without posing a health…
Presenting on Video: Setting Up Your Space
As we continue to battle the novel coronavirus, virtual meetings and presentations have become the norm. That leaves many people trying to navigate their way through creating successful virtual presentations. While there are some skills and best practices that apply to both in-person and virtual presentations, expert presenters also understand that you need to adjust…
Presenting on Video: Preparing the Content of Your Video
As remote work continues to be more prevalent than in-office work, more and more businesses are relying on video presentations to deliver information. Video is an amazing tool that allows us to connect with people anywhere in the world. Regardless of whether you are trying to pitch a new product, conduct a training session, or…
Presenting on Video: Body Language
Communication happens through both verbal and nonverbal cues, which is why you should never underestimate the power of body language. When you are presenting to an audience, what you do with your body is just as important as the words you speak. If you give off the wrong vibes, you could easily detract from your…