Building Confidence for Public Speaking

Building Confidence for Public Speaking


Do you get anxious at the thought of speaking in public? If so, you are not alone. Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is one of the most common fears among people. The good news is that you don’t have to be born confident to be a good public speaker. There are plenty of things you can do to build your confidence as a speaker. This can help you effectively communicate your message and open doors to new opportunities in your career. Here are some strategies for building confidence as a speaker. 

Focus on the Audience, Not Yourself

Many speakers are often very self-focused, thinking their speech is about them and what they know. They feel like they are being judged by the audience.  In fact, it is very much the opposite. Most people who are listening to you speak are on your side. They would not be investing their time otherwise. Therefore, shift your focus to others and focus on how you can serve them.

Practice and Prepare

Another important step in building confidence as a speaker is to practice and prepare thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the content, rehearse your delivery, and prepare for possible questions and challenges. You also want to familiarize yourself with the venue and test your audio visual equipment prior to your presentation. When you are well-prepared, you will feel more confident in your ability to deliver a strong presentation. 

Visualize Success

People often overlook the importance of positive visualization but this is actually something that the most elite athletes practice. The mind is incredibly powerful and there is significant benefit in visualizing yourself giving a successful presentation. In your mind, think about how you will go about your entire day leading up to your presentation and how you will arrive at the event. THink about how you will be introduced, how you will interact with your audience, how you will deliver your presentation, and how the audience will applaud. By focusing on a positive outcome, you will increase confidence and positive energy leading up to your presentation. Furthermore, you want to engage in positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths, skills, and past successes, as this will help you approach your audience with self-assurance. 

Practice Breathing and Relaxation

In addition to mental preparation, you want to practice physical preparation as well. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation. This will help calm your nerves and reduce tension, so you can present yourself in a confident and composed manner.

Seek Opportunities to Gain Experience

Finally, seeking opportunities to practice your skills and gain experience in public speaking will help you build confidence. Consider taking a public speaking course, such as those offered at Bold New Directions. Our Presentation Training workshops can help you learn strategies and techniques to present with confidence.