How to Create Presentations That Get Results

You may have spent countless hours crafting a beautiful slideshow and outlining your speech. However, all of your hard work is meaningless if your presentation isn’t effective. Understanding how to create an effective presentation is the key component in getting the results you want. Did your presentation reach the audience? Did you drive home those key points? Did you motivate the audience to act? An effective presentation will either teach your audience something valuable or inspire them to take action. This requires a presentation that is both informative and engaging. Consider the following tips for creating a presentation that will help you achieve better results. 

Focus on the Needs of Your Audience

Your presentation needs to be tailored to meet the needs of your specific audience. What do they hope to learn and what can they benefit from your presentation? Do some research to find this information out and then keep this in mind as you build your presentation. Remember that an effective presentation gives the audience what they want, not what you want to tell them. 

Be Passionate and Connect with Your Audience

The best way to get people to take action is to connect with them on an emotional level. Be honest and authentic with your audience and let your passion for the topic shine through. Engage them with personal stories, humor, and honest communication. If you are enthusiastic and passionate about your message, they will feel it and they will respond. 

Concentrate on Your Core Message

When planning your presentation you want to keep the core message in mind. You can find this by asking yourself, “What is the most important thing I want my audience to take away from this presentation?†You should be able to communicate this point clearly and briefly. Some experts recommend following the Rule of 3, which states that you should have no more than 3 details to support your main point. Just remember to concentrate on your core message so it is easy for your audience to understand and remember. 

Smile and Make Eye Contact

Make your audience feel like you are speaking directly to them by engaging in eye contact. This makes your presentation feel more personal and it allows you to connect on a deeper level with your audience. A simple smile is also a great way to build rapport with your audience, and an audience that connects with you is more likely to be persuaded by your call to action.

Use Your Voice and Body Language Effectively

You can enhance the words you speak by using your voice and body language effectively. For example, you can say the exact same sentence but get a completely different reaction simply by incorporating voice inflection and hand gestures. Varying your tone, inflection, and speed at which you speak can help you emphasize your key points. You can do the same by standing in a certain position, using hand gestures, and moving naturally around the stage. More than three-quarters of communication is non-verbal, so the tone of your voice and your body language is crucial in getting your message across.Â