How to End Your Presentation with Impact

How to End Your Presentation with Impact


You can have a powerfully impactful presentation but a poorly executed closing can completely undermine what would otherwise be a dynamic presentation. Ending a presentation with impact is crucial in leaving a lasting impression on your audience. It is your last chance to reinforce your key message, inspire action, and leave your audience feeling empowered. Here are some effective ways to end your presentation with impact. 

1. Summarize Key Points

This is the time to summarize the main points that you have shared throughout your presentation, highlighting the most important takeaways for your audience. This can help reinforce your message and ensure your audience remembers the information long after your presentation is over. 

2. Call to Action

At the conclusion of your presentation you want to provide your audience with clear and specific actions to take and offer ways they can apply the insights you have shared. You should use strong, active verbs to inspire engagement.

3. Use a Memorable Quote

Another powerful way to end a presentation is with a memorable quote, anecdote, or story. An impactful quote can leave a lasting impression on your audience and can resonate with them on a personal level. When you end with a compelling quote or story, you leave your audience feeling motivated and inspired.

4. Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

Leaving the audience with a thought-provoking question is a great way to ensure that they will continue thinking about your presentation long after it has concluded. You want to challenge the audience to think critically and reflect on the information you have shared. 

5. Give a Visual Image

Another strategy for an impactful ending is to conclude with a powerful image. You can combine the image with a story or quote to add emphasis to your final remarks. Leave the image up even after your presentation has concluded so the audience can continue to think about your message and the points you made. 


Ending your presentation with impact is an important part of leaving a lasting impression on your audience. By summarizing your key points, providing a call to action, sharing a memorable quote and image, or asking a rhetorical question, you can end your presentation on a high note, leaving your audience inspired. To learn more about how to deliver a powerful presentation, consider enrolling in one of our Presentation Training courses. Our course provides tips and strategies for preparing and delivering impactful presentations. Call today to learn more about our Presentation Training courses and workshops.