How to Find Your Place in Group Presentations

Group presentations come with their own set of challenges.  They need to have the same cohesive flow as an individual presentation, but several different people are being asked to agree on what to say and how to say it.  Many group presentations fail because people get the mindset that “as long as my part is great, I don’t have to worry about the rest of the presentation.â€Â  This lack of shared responsibility can actually kill the presentation.  So, how can you prepare a fantastic group presentation while also managing to find your own unique place within the group?  Here are a few suggestions for how to find your place in a group presentation.

Play to Your Strengths

When putting together a group presentation it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each group member.  It might take a few meetings to figure this out.  This allows you to be matched to a position that suits you.  Certain people might be better speakers while others might be more knowledgeable about a particular topic.  Identify and acknowledge your strengths and use that to determine your speaking order, task, and job within the group.

Be Confident

Anytime you participate in a group presentation there will be members with varying levels of experience, ability, and confidence.  The key to finding your place is not allowing yourself to feel intimidated by someone with more experience or better speaking skills than you.  Just be yourself and exude confidence.  You are much more likely to stand out and be remembered if you appear confident.

Contribute Equally

It is always best when each member of the group contributes equally to the presentation.    In order to find the job that is right for you, it is best to revisit everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.  One person might be great at putting together visual aids while someone else does a great job of outlining the content.  If you want to find your place, find your strength and contribute work based on that strength.

Work Through Conflict

Working as a group can sometimes lead to conflict.  There are differing opinions, different levels of experience, and different personalities trying to come together and agree on a presentation.  The group functions best when each person is respectful of the others and addresses conflict in a positive way.  If you want to establish your role within the group, make sure you are encouraging and understanding of other group members.  It is ok to have conflict, as long as it can be resolved swiftly and without compromising the entire presentation.