How to Handle Technical Difficulties

Presentation tools are designed to enhance your presentation and make your message more compelling to the audience. However, technical difficulties and interruptions can always occur when technology is involved. No matter how long you spend preparing and rehearsing your presentation, there’s no guarantee that there won’t be any technology glitches during your speech. The good news is that these disruptions don’t have to throw your entire presentation off course. Here are a few tips for navigating technical difficulties.

Plan Ahead and Prepare for the Worst

While it’s certainly great to be optimistic that everything will go smoothly the day of your presentation, issues can arise so it’s best to be prepared. Anticipate potential interruptions and prepare for any technical difficulties that could happen. Some examples of technical issues include a soundless microphone, a projector that won’t turn on, a slideshow that won’t open, or a sound system that is not working properly. The best way to combat these potential problems is to visit the presentation location ahead of time and test out all technical equipment so you are familiar with it and how it works. 

Have a Backup Plan

You want to have a backup plan in place just in case something does go wrong. Always send a copy of your presentation to the event organizer beforehand. That way, if you forget your laptop or it isn’t working, you will have a backup copy of your slides. As an extra backup, always save everything to the cloud in your drive. 

Practice Without Your Slides

You don’t want your slides to become a crutch that you rely on for your presentation. Instead, you want to think of your presentation as a conversation. If you have a clear idea of your message and key points, you should be able to deliver your presentation even without your visuals. You can also make a few cue cards with key points on them to help guide you through your talk. This is a great tool to have on hand in case technology fails you. 

Don’t Panic

No matter how much you prepare and plan, you may still encounter technical difficulties. Don’t panic if this happens. Try to remember to stay calm and confident. Take a deep breath and pause to evaluate what is happening. If possible, resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Otherwise, power through with poise and confidence. 

Communicate with Your Audience

Your audience understands that technology can be finicky and technical difficulties occur. Communicate with them by acknowledging the issue and let them know you are working to resolve it. It is important to keep the audience engaged and focused even through an interruption. As the assistant works to resolve the problem, use that time to curate a Q&A or gather their thoughts on your talking points. This confidence under pressure will make you look like a pro.