How to Make Your Presentations Visual and Memorable

Presentation visuals are one of the most important parts of the entire presentation. Effective visuals can have a huge impact on your audience, engaging their interest and boosting their understanding of the topic. In fact, studies have shown that almost all information transmitted to the brain is visual, which only reiterates why visuals are so critical for effective learning.  Here are a few ways to use visual content in order to deliver an engaging and memorable presentation. 

Skip the Text and Go For Images Instead

Too many presenters are guilty of using their presentation slides as a script. They add loads of bullet points and text to every slide, thinking it will provide the audience with detailed information. In reality, however, it does the complete opposite. Text on slides actually distracts listeners from what you are saying. They are so busy reading your slides that they miss the important information you are sharing with them. You’re better off skipping the text and opting for beautiful images or compelling videos to supplement your content. These images will make your presentation more memorable and audiences will still listen to what you are saying. 

Use Simple Charts and Diagrams

Charts, tables, and diagrams can be a great way to visually share complicated information. However, be sure that they are self-explanatory and easy for the audience to understand. You want to make sure the text is easy to read and the concept is easy to understand through the visuals. After all, the visuals are meant to explain the concept more easily, not make it more difficult. 

Choose Inspiring Images

Visuals used in your presentation are supposed to make the audience react. Chosen well, images can raise awareness about a topic or inspire your audience to take action. More often than not, messages delivered visually receive a more powerful reaction than those that are just spoken. Therefore, choose your images carefully and make sure they resonate with your audience. 

Keep Things Uniform

You may think you are creating a fun slideshow by incorporating lots of colors, images, fonts, and transitions. In reality, you are doing just the opposite. Using too many different elements will distract and confuse your audience. Instead, use straightforward fonts and stick with a uniform background throughout your entire presentation. It is far more effective to keep the same color scheme, background, and theme throughout your presentation. 

Add Interactive Visuals

A great way to sustain audience engagement is to directly interact with them and ask for participation. For example, you can ask them to vote on a topic, conduct a short quiz, or take a poll. Interactive with your audience through visuals will help keep your audience attentive and it will make your content more memorable.