Outfit Guide: What to Wear to Present

Have you ever walked into a restaurant, hotel, or store and noticed the displays, lighting, and décor? You are more inclined to select the places that look better. As humans, we think with our eyes before we think with our brains.  Visual information has a huge impact on us, so when it comes to winning over an audience, your appearance matters.  First impressions count, so it is important to dress appropriately for the occasion.  Before heading to the podium for your next presentation, consider these important criteria for selecting the right outfit.

Dress According to Your Audience

Before heading to a presentation you must first consider the audience to which you will be speaking.  It would be appropriate to wear a sharp three-piece suit to an accountant’s convention, while that same outfit might be a huge mismatch for a fitness convention.  You want to connect with your audience by dressing as well or slightly better than them.  You don’t need to look exactly like them, but you don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb either!

Dress to Suit Your Personality

While you want to connect with your audience, you also want to reflect your own personality as well.  Simply put, don’t wear something that is totally out of character for you.  You will feel insecure and uncomfortable and that will be evident in your presentation.  Likewise, if you feel great in a designer dress with high heels, go for it!  When you feel confident in your appearance, that confidence will spill over to your presentation.

Dress Comfortably

A good speaker needs to be able to move easily on stage.  If you feel restricted in your outfit, you will look awkward when you move around.  Consider comfort in selecting your suit, dress, and shoes.  When you feel comfortable, you will be more relaxed throughout your presentation.

Dress Your Age

Dressing too young is huge mistake! Just because you are delivering a speech to high school students doesn’t mean you need to dress like a teenager if you are in your 30’s.  Select an age appropriate outfit so your audience will be focused on what you are saying and not distracted by what you are wearing.

Dress to Feel Empowered

Studies have shown that dressing in formal clothes makes us feel more powerful.  This logic is perfect for public speaking.  It is important for a speaker to not only have knowledge of their particular topic, but to feel empowered to speak about it.  Dressing up will help you see yourself as the star of the show, and you will exude this same confidence during your presentation.