Presenting on Video: Preparing the Content of Your Video

As remote work continues to be more prevalent than in-office work, more and more businesses are relying on video presentations to deliver information. Video is an amazing tool that allows us to connect with people anywhere in the world. Regardless of whether you are trying to pitch a new product, conduct a training session, or share a new idea with your organization, video presentations can be a great way to deliver persuasive content. That said, it does come with its own unique challenges. Unlike traditional in-person presentations, it can be more difficult to connect with and engage your audience virtually. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of your content when creating a video presentation. Here are a few tips to help you create a video presentation that will captivate your audience. 

Define Your Purpose

Clarity is key when it comes to giving a video presentation. You want your audience to know exactly what they are going to learn or gain as a result of your presentation. Keep this in mind as you create the content for your video. Make sure all of the information you present aligns with the overall purpose of the presentation. You want your audience to be able to sum up the purpose of your presentation in one sentence. 

Start with a Bold Statement

You want to capture your audience’s attention right from the beginning, which can be especially difficult in a video presentation. One way to do this is by starting your presentation with a shocking statistic, an unusual piece of information, or even a controversial statement. Choose something that is relevant to your topic, but will also cause your audience to sit up and take notice. 

Tell a Story

People love a good story and this is another great way to captivate your audience. When you begin preparing your content, think of a personal story that relates to your business or idea and use this story to connect with your audience. Choose a story that will evoke emotion, such as overcoming an obstacle, or a story about love or friendship. These are themes everyone can relate to and it’s a great way to frame your message. 


Choose Three Supporting Details

One problem many presenters have is overwhelming people with too much information. Once you have defined your main idea, you want to include three details that support your main idea. This same rule applies to creating slides. Your slides should have no more than three bullet points to support each detail. Avoid text-heavy slides, as this will bore and confuse your audience. 

Incorporate Creative Visual Content

In addition to slides with text, accompany your talk with interesting and creative visuals such as photographs, video clips, GIFs, or memes. The more visually appealing your presentation is, the more your audience will want to listen. Furthermore, these images are a great way to help your audience retain information. Illustrations, infographics, and colorful templates can be a great way to make your content stand out.Â