Secrets To Appearing Confident During Presentations

Some people can give a self-assured presentation with no problem at all, but if you are like most, you probably get nervous at the thought of speaking in front of a crowd.  While confidence comes naturally for some, it is a skill that requires practice for many others.  Giving a business presentation is no easy feat, but with the right preparation you can overcome your fears and present with confidence.  Let’s take a look at a few secrets that can help you communicate with confidence and give a successful presentation.

Think About Your Posture

When it comes to appearing confident, the way you stand makes a difference.  Believe it or not, people are more likely to take you seriously when you have good posture.  Make it a point to stand up straight with your shoulders back and your chin up.  Avoid slouching or putting your hands in your pockets and maintain eye contact with your audience.

Dress For Success

It is important to dress nicely when giving a presentation.  This means finding an outfit that looks good, fits well, and feels comfortable.  When you look good, you will feel better about yourself and your confidence will be apparent to others.

Speak Slowly And Clearly

When people get nervous they tend to speak very quickly and their voices tend to get higher.  You might not even notice it yourself, but the audience will and it will make you appear anxious.  Before you begin, take a few deep breaths and try to relax.  When you are relaxed you will be able to speak slowly and you will appear much more confident.

Smile Once In Awhile

People who are nervous tend to show it by the look on their face.  They tend to have a grave look, almost as if they are staring blankly at the audience.  Don’t let your audience know you are nervous by keeping a straight face.  Instead, try to lighten the mood and relax your tension by giving a smile here and there.

Use Your Hands Wisely

Your body language says a lot about your confidence level.  Audiences perceive speakers to have charisma and energy when they use gestures with their hands when speaking.  Do be careful, however, not to appear fidgety by playing with your hair or putting your hands in your pockets.  These gestures can be distracting and convey a lack of confidence.  Rather, use your hands appropriately to show excitement about the topic on which you are speaking.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to getting better at anything is practice and speech is no exception.  When you are preparing for a presentation, practice what you are going to say beforehand.  You might even record yourself so you can take note of your pace and any awkward pauses.  The more you practice, the more familiar you will be with the material and the more confident you will feel about what you are presenting.

When speakers appear confident, they are perceived to be knowledgeable and more credible.  It is an important asset for speaking, and one that can be achieved through practice.  Although confidence comes from within, you can appear confident by following these helpful tips.  Over time, you will build your presentation skills and learn to be successful in any professional speaking situation.