Does Your Team Need Presentation Training?
Take our simple Quiz to see if your team is playing at the top of their game. The Quiz takes less than five minutes to complete, tally your score and get simple recommendations. Follow these three simple steps to get fast results:
Step 1: Answer ten questions
Step 2: Total your score
Step 3: Review recommended actions
Rate Your Team From 1 to 10
Rate your team members on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is a lack of action/success & 10 is outstanding performance). If you are not sure of an answer just use your intuition for a given question.
- All members of our team stay focused on key points when presenting.
Rating: ___/10 - We use presentation skills on phone calls and webinars too.
Rating: ___/10 - All presenters use powerful open-ended questions 80% of the time.
Rating: ___/10 - Every professional is masterful at asking engaging questions.
Rating: ___/10 - Our professionals are expert at discovering Whats In It For Them (WIIFT).
Rating: ___/10 - Every one of our team uses hooks in their presentations.
Rating: ___/10 - Our team members always use the right kind of situational close
Rating: ___/10 - Our team members know how to give just the right amount of technical details.
Rating: ___/10 - Our team members practice their presentation skills at least once a month.
Rating: ___/10 - Our staff members use the four quadrant behavioral model for success.
Rating: ___/10
Total Up Your Points: _____/ 100
Recommended Actions:
If you scored 1 – 50: | Get Presentation Training & Individual Coaching for your whole team |
If you scored 50 – 80: | Ensure that your team gets Onsite Presentation Training in the next 2 months |
If you scored 80 – 95: | Consider One-on-One Presentation Coaching for key people |
If you scored 95 – 100: | Remember to practice your presentation skills weekly |