Techniques for Reducing Presentation Anxiety

Techniques for Reducing Presentation Anxiety


Presentation anxiety is a common issue that many people face when speaking in front of a group. For some, it can be mildly uncomfortable and for others it can be paralyzing. For almost everyone who suffers from presentation anxiety, the task of speaking in front of an audience triggers a range of uncomfortable emotions. This can not only hinder one’s ability to deliver a successful presentation, but it can also be detrimental to one’s professional career. The good news is that there are various techniques that can be used to reduce anxiety and build confidence in public speaking. 

1. Be Prepared

It goes without saying, but the more familiar you are with your material, the less you will have to be nervous about. When you are thoroughly prepared for your presentation, you will feel more confident and in control of the situation. This includes doing ample research, rehearsing multiple times, familiarizing yourself with the content, and anticipating possible questions. The more prepared you are, the less likely you will experience anxiety during the presentation. 

2. Familiarize Yourself with the Space

Check out the room where you will be presenting ahead of time. Take a moment to stand in the front of the room and get a feel for where your audience will be. Familiarizing yourself with the view from the front of the room will help alleviate some of those nerves. Furthermore, check out how you will be connecting your technology if you plan to use a computer or slideshow. 

3. Practice, Practice, Practice!

You cannot underestimate the power of practice. Practice early and often. Stand up and rehearse in front of a mirror and also in front of a few peers. Record yourself so you can make notes of what areas need improvement and also ask your peers for feedback. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel on the day of your presentation.

4. Deep Breathing and Relaxation

Deep breathing techniques are very helpful in reducing presentation anxiety. Close your eyes, focus on taking deep, slow breaths, and practice mindfulness. These techniques can help calm your nerves, increase oxygen to your brain, and reduce many of the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heartbeat and shaky hands. By incorporating these breathing techniques, you can approach your presentation with a greater sense of calm.

5. Visualize Your Success

Positive visualization is another powerful technique for reducing presentation anxiety. By visualizing yourself delivering a success presentation, you can build confidence, reduce fears, and mentally prepare yourself for a positive experience. 

6. Work with a Presentation Coach

Lastly, seeking support from a presentation coach can be a valuable tool for building confidence as a speaker. A presentation coach can equip you with strategies for successful communication while also providing helpful feedback and guidance to help you refine your presentation skills. 


Presentation anxiety is a common challenge that many people face but these strategies can help you reduce anxiety and become a better presenter. For more resources on how to reduce presentation anxiety, consider enrolling in one of our Presentation Training courses. Our professional trainers can help you overcome your fears and become a more effective and dynamic speaker. Call today for more information on our courses and learn how to present like a pro!