The 5 W’s of Effective Communication

You may remember the 5 W’s from when you were in school: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. These were deemed the most important elements of communication because they cover all the basics an audience needs to know. No story or narrative is complete without these elements. Likewise, no presentation is complete without them either. Here we will break down the 5 W’s and why they are important to incorporate into your next presentation.

1. Who

One of the most important factors to consider when giving a presentation is “who†you are speaking to. Who is your audience and what are their preferences? The first step in preparing a presentation is to identify who your audience is so you can tailor your message to meet their needs. Consider the professional role, age, demographics, previous knowledge of the topic, and personal interest of the audience when creating your presentation. The better you know who you are speaking to, the more persuasive your message will be. 

2. What

What is the overall purpose of your presentation? What message do you want to convey to your audience? Every presentation has its own purpose and goals so you want to be clear about what it is that you want to achieve. Once you know exactly what you want your audience to take away from your presentation, you can frame your presentation around that message. 

3. When

The timing of your presentation will determine whether or not your audience will receive it well. Do not rush your presentation. Rather, give your audience time to process the information. If you are expecting your audience to take action, be clear about when you expect that to happen. Do you plan to provide additional information after the presentation? Are you planning to reach out and follow-up through email or social media after the presentation? Understand your timeframe for the required action and pitch your presentation at the right time. 

4. Where

Where will you be giving your presentation? Research the venue ahead of time and familiarize yourself with the environment, seating arrangements, lighting, technical equipment, and facility prior to your presentation. This will help you communicate your message with confidence on the day of your presentation. 

5. Why

Why is your presentation important? Why is it necessary for you to communicate this information now? Also, why this audience? Finding the answers to these questions will help you connect with your audience. Make sure the audience knows why this matters so much and why this information is beneficial to them.