The Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint

The Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great tool for creating visual aids for a presentation. The slides can help presenters share key information while enhancing clarity and understanding. It can be an effective tool for presenters by providing visual support to the spoken content. However, like any presentation software tool, there are certain do’s and don’ts that presenters should keep in mind when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Here are some of the most common do’s and don’ts of PowerPoint to help presenters make the most of their presentations. 

PowerPoint Do’s


  1. DO keep slides simple and avoid overcrowding them with text. Each slide should focus on only one main idea. Avoid adding too much text and information to each slide, as this can overwhelm and confuse the audience. 


  1. DO use visuals effectively. One of the benefits of PowerPoint is that it enables you to incorporate visuals into your presentation. Visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can help to clarify concepts while also making your presentation more engaging. 


  1. DO use bullet points. Bullet points are a great way to summarize key points and make it easier for your audience to follow along. 


  1. DO practice good design principles. Although PowerPoint is full of choices when it comes to fonts, backgrounds, and layouts, it’s preferable to stay consistent with your design throughout your presentation. Use a consistent color scheme, font style, and layout to make your presentation more cohesive and professional. 


  1. DO keep it concise. Your PowerPoint should be a visual tool used to supplement your spoken presentation. It should not act as a script that you are reading directly. Rather, keep your slides concise and use them to emphasize key points rather than to provide detailed information.

PowerPoint DON’TS

  1. DON’T read from your slides. One of the most common mistakes presenters make when using a PowerPoint is treating it like a script and reading every word. This will make your presentation boring and unengaging. 


2.DON’T use distracting animations. Many presenters are tempted to use animations and transitions to add a fun visual element to their presentation but in reality, these flashy animations can be distracting and can make your presentation look unprofessional. Keep animations to a minimum when creating your slides.


  1. DON’T have too many slides. It is common for presenters to have way too many slides when creating a PowerPoint. Keep your information concise and only include slides that are necessary to convey your message.


  1. DON’T use hard to read colors and fonts. You want your slides to be clean, professional, and easy to read so avoid bright backgrounds and dark fonts. Instead, aim for a high contrast between background and text so as not to strain the audience’s eyes.


PowerPoint can be an engaging tool for adding visual interest to your presentation. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can create a powerful and impactful PowerPoint that helps convey your message more effectively to your audience.


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